Post by Zephyr HolderThe Clash were a great band regardless of what they sold - But I have to
admit The Stranglers 77-79 were better!!!!!
Nonsense. Music is also measured by *influence* and The Stranglers
influenced less people (I am talking worldwide) than The Clash. Also The
Clash had more powerful songs, songs that do ratatatata like machine guns in
a sort of way. To explain you, The Clash were on the stage like soldiers
hehe. That's the real rock attitude that lacks todays band :)
Yes, you can say whatever you like but unless you prove it by facts it's
nonsense. So bring here 20 best The Stranglers songs and compare it in depth
with The Clash' 20 best (I will tell you 20 best hehe) and compare it,
lyrics, musically etc... Bring also 10 experts. And put a goverment approval
on top of that!!!
I tell you, impossible mission because everybody and that bird on the tree
knows that The Clash is better and only band that matters :))